What is social media marketing?
Social media is a vast and wide area capable for marketing. It has a very large amount of traffic which is around 5.04 billion people. People get influenced through social media making it very good opportunity for digital marketers. It provides us with a platform where we can interact with billions of people globally while sitting at one place only.
It is a great opportunity to understand the trends going on for different groups and targets of people and also categorized on the basis of various factors like age, gender, cultures etc. for social media marketing. It is great for understanding the mindset of the audience and determining the target audience. Identifying the target customer is the first step of any marketing function. This can be done through analyzing trends and creating good quality content.

People can grow their business with the help of social media by not only paying the influencers to promote their products or services but also build a page with good and strong health.
social media marketing is a separate domain of marketing which is considered as a different art. It means promoting products, services, people, ourselves etc. on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Threads, Linkedin etc. It is for generating traffic, leads, sales and making customers through influencing and paid ads.
marketing can be done through social media with the first step that is identifying the requirements of the people for whom we are creating the product or service. In case of media platforms it is easy because we can analyze the type of content going viral.
Choosing the right social media platform
Choosing the right social media marketing platform is a very crucial step in starting marketing. It is done when we are identifying our target consumers or viewers. After we know the segment of customers where we want to operate, and make our presence. It is all based on where are our target customers.\

If we are providing high quality good product, services or content but it is reaching the wrong audience then it will not go viral and not generate traffic. We will need to understand that on which social media platform are the segment of customers with whom our business needs to operate or to whom who will appreciate our content.
We can do this by figuring out if we ant to work with the youth or show our content to a segment of people who are students and more interested in entertainment or upskilling themselves or education, then we can say that these segment of people are more active on social media marketing platforms like Instagram.
whereas, if we want to target working professionals then we can try Linkedin and Instagram. If our target customers are middle aged people who have a capacity to buy, spend money or invest on the services that the business is providing then we can consider Facebook.
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Types of social media marketing platforms and how to categorize
Instagram is a famous platform which provides services to post reels, photos, videos, stories and much more. It also provides the means to edit the content while posting be it a video, reel or any other type of post.
When we talk about social media marketing on Instagram then we need to know if the audience that we are looking for, is present on that platform or not. Talking about Instagram it contains the people belonging to the youth that is young adults or Genz and the millennials. Basically ranging from the age of 16yrs to 35yrs are present on Instagram.

Now if we talk about gender classifications then both mal and females are equally active on Instagram. Talking about our country India, It is the country with most of the people active on Instagram that is around 360 million people.
If our target audience lies in this age group then we can prefer Instagram. Also for B2B businesses we can look for small businesses on Instagram who require the services or the product we are offering.
Facebook is the most initial platform owned by meta which was created for posting videos, images, content, etc. It has a different set of audience as compared to Instagram for the purpose of social media marketing.
Facebook users includes people of almost almost every category. If we talk about the age range, Facebook has people ranging from 24yrs to 50yrs at an average. 60% of the Facebook audience are educated, in terms of proper university level education and 30% consists of high school education levels.

Like Instagram, other social media marketing platforms like Facebook also has the the largest number of traffic from our country India that is 314.6 million people and users on Facebook are from India. It is ideal for the target group of consumers who can pay and invest in businesses and availing services.
Paid ads from Facebook can be displayed to target audience through Facebook Ad center which is a basic means to run ads on Facebook or Facebook ad manager which is the advance level of running Facebook ads with right and experienced professionals.
This platform provides means of networking for the users and working professionals for social media marketing. It helps the users to connect with each other and develop working relationships by analyzing each other’s profile and certifications to see if the person or the group is qualified and experienced.
Linkedin consist of people of age groups ranging from 25 yrs to 40yrs, mostly millennials. The largest number of users on Linkedin come from United States Of America that is the 80% of total population present on Linkedin.

This platforms mainly consists of working professionals and people with higher educations and university degrees and certifications. It can be a great opportunity for service providers to display there carrier paths and services provided with all the information and portfolios related to the business.
How to build a social media for business and online presence?
To build a social media marketing presence one needs to have a strong Facebook, Instagram and other media health. The health of the social media handle is based on its likes, followers, leads generated etc. A poor social media health doesn’t mean it cant grow. It can definitely grow through following algorithms proper social SEO and more.
Instagram SEO for influencing and Paid Facebook ads are the two sources of digital marketing in social media and marketing mix through which one can generate high volume of traffic on these two platforms. After the change in Instagram algorithm, Instagram SEO is one of the emerging trends for marketing on Instagram.
How Will This Work?
Instagram SEO is more related with keywords rather than hashtags and quality content rather than just going with the trend. Instagram promotes content that is informative, educational, good quality etc. Talking about Facebook ads, it is a paid form of digital marketing and social media marketing which is more related with generating sales, leads and reach.

We need to show the specific person the ad of the product or service which is required by that person. For example: the feed of a law firm or an advocate can be shown a customized ad targeting the law sector on Facebook.
What is social media health?
Social media health tells us about the page on any social media marketing platform. It tells us about its followers, likes, reach, clicks , profile visits, and ultimately leads. lead, traffic or lead generation cannot happen without making the page reachable to maximum people, gaining views and followers.
For a successfull business social media health should be strong. Strong presence on these platforms also build a sense of trust among the viewers and the customers tend to explore more about you, your content, your products or services and ultimately the core aim because of which you have come established your digital marketing and social media handle on any platform.
How to create social media and marketing posters
Posters are a good form of social media marketing with good creativity. Any poster regarding any discounts, events, strategies or any educational posters must require some basic details and images. To make it more vibrant and attractive we can use animations, videos etc. All this can be done by using tools like Canva. Some basic details that any poster should include is :

- Heading
- More than one images
- Major details like date, discounts, venues, price etc. in large fonts
- Minor details like what the poster is about in small fonts
- And the most importantly creativity which comes from within
- Animations/videos (optional)
The poster should be elegant and creative and should not be offensive to any individual or group of people and should not include fake promises. These posters can be used to bring leads on Instagram and Facebook ads or other social media marketing platforms as well.
More attractive is the content and images, more leads will be generated. The efforts put in a single ad and post should be visible to the audience because it make them feel a sense of trust towards the business.
The conclusion of the whole thing is that social media marketing is a very large platform with multiple people from around the world that is around 5.04 billion of people. And where there is more traffic there is marketing. Thus, marketing on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc. can be very beneficial for the people who want to sell their products or services online for for those who want to simply publish their content and art online.
Next and the most important step for social media marketing is to find the right group of customer to whom we want to target and categorize them on the basis of various factors like age, gender, preferences, etc. By doing this we can find that where are our target audience.

This means we can analyze that which platform will be best suited for promoting our business where there will be the maximum number of our required traffic. We will not be able to generate leads and sales if our content is going to the wrong audience.
After choosing the right social media marketing platform we need to learn how to build a strong social media presence or contact an experienced and best digital marketing agency. You can visit Nexusevenue for the same. We need to build a strong page with good page health which relates to different factors like followers, likes, views, reach and clicks.
Social media posters for ads and posts are very important. The images we use cannot be copied and we can use tools like Canva and much more for the same.