
Effective Communication: Level Up Your Digital Marketing

How Is Communication Relevant In Business And Marketing?

When we talk about communication, the first thing comes to our mind is talking to each other and expressing our thoughts. It can be done through many channels and is a two way process which can be done within two, three, or large masses of people. It can be of different types for example:

  1. Verbal : It can be done by speaking face to face in person or via online channels like zoom, google meet etc.
  2. Written : It is a way of sharing our thoughts through written and online channels like messengers and blogs or social media posts in case of large masses of people.

If we classify it on the basis of the number of people to whom we are communicating, then we can do it as: Between two people, between a group of people, expressing yourself in front of a small to medium group or expressing yourself to a large masses of people.


While running a business communication is the key to every function. For any organization, communicating with the target audience is very important. When we talk about business communication as a game changing aspect in the business world , we need to first understand that the way of communicating is very important.

Talking about online marketing and general marketing, communication is the main aspect here. This is because marketing is all about conveying the idea of the business, products and services with the target audience.

Doing this digitally is very different skill. Any person running a business or delivering services need to learn that skill because to reach a large mass of people, we need to come online and convey our ideas knowledge, thoughts and skills.

Marketing And Business Communication Skills :

There are several ways of conveying and expressing online. In terms of marketing, while carrying out different digital marketing functions we should know the way in which we talk and express our feelings or inform the target customers about the products and services, is the game changer


We need to be unique, real, creative and confident while doing the same. While carrying out online marketing functions like SEO, Social media marketing, Content marketing etc. We need to keep the key points of effective communication in our minds.

Along with this we need to know the art of speaking with the target audience and the clients. For building a trust on online platforms, the way of speaking or writing should be polite, real and understanding. The potential customers online whom we don’t know personally should be able to relate with us and feel a sense of understanding in our business.

Digital marketing and relevant communications:

We can communicate either personally or impersonally to a large number of audience in common. In terms of online marketing, communication can be done through tools like:

Content Marketing And SEO

The foremost thing before writing any content is that the content written in our blogs on our websites or social media should be relevant to our business. Irrelevant information will not lead to long term customer bases. It maybe liked by the people but will not help us bring leads, sales or traffic for our content.


The content should be written in a personal manner. For writing for a large number of masses, we should first understand the problems faced by the potential customers and then write about it so that, the reader can relate with it. This is the written communication tool by which we can reach global readers as well.

It should be crisp and should not contain unnecessary information. This leads the reader to get bored easily while reading or scanning the content. The content should be relevant for large masses of people which means that a large audience should relate with it. For this we will need to find a common ground about what we are writing.

We need to write a unique content. Unique doesn’t mean that it has to be a all new topic but it should sound appealing to the person reading. If we are trying to inform our customers about the product and services, then it should convince the customer to at least visit our site.

Talking about SEO, it goes hand in hand with content marketing and is related to ranking our blogs and writings on search engines like Google. To ensure that the blog reaches the maximum audience, then SEO should be done effectively with best skills. To avail this visit Nexusevenue.

Social Media Marketing and Influencing


Communicating with the audience on a regular or consistent basis comes into the picture when we talk about social media marketing. We should speak write catchy, short and crisp and clear content through which the audience can relate and understand the importance of the products or services that you are selling in their daily lives.

We should take regular feedbacks from our audience which is also a very important aspect of communication. It helps the business to improve overtime and work on their weaknesses. The person conveying should know that what the customer wants to hear and should provide the same but with being real and truthful at the same time.

Steps To Effective Communication For Online Marketing

Plan before taking an action:

The first most step is to think before speaking or writing anything. Thinking means planning. Planning means to bridge the gap between where we are and where we want to go. So, planning before posting anything online is important. Planning here means deciding to whom we are communicating and who is our target audience.


It also includes the number of points that we need to convey and what points are important or least important. Highlighting the key topics which means prioritizing the topics which are more important and emphisizing more on them.

It also includes planning a schedule for social media and regular posting blogs, content, videos and posts on social media and websites so that the consistency doesn’t break

Optimizing the matter

Optimizing means making the most effective use of the matter or content. It means to organize data. Here the data is the things that are need to be conveyed. Videos and posts should be properly edited and the blog contents should be optimized with the help of tools like Canva, Rankmath etc.

communication with the target audience should be as per their preferences and optimized content leads to more quality sales, traffic or leads. Quality leads means that the customer should be convinced to avail the services, visit the site, call to action or buy the product offered and explained.


Taking feedbacks and follow ups

Taking regular feedbacks and follow ups is an important step in communication. It help us to understand the needs of the target audience more effectively and helps to improve the content we are posting.

7C’s To Effective Communications For Digital Marketing:


Content should be clear which means every point should be specified clearly and point to point. It should not confuse the buyer or the person watching or reading anything posted by you. It should be stated in a way that it should be easy to understand for a beginner also even if the topic is complex.


The information and communication provided should be concise which means it should not contain irrelevant and unnecessary points or information. It leads the viewer or the reader to scan and interpret the conclusion of the post, video or the blog in a very easy manner.


The message or the promotion which is to be conveyed should be solid. It means that there should be a solid description of the product or service offered. In case of blogs and reels the content should contain more focus on main and important points.



The message conveyed or the promotion should be correct. Correct in the sense that it should be real and not copied. No fake promises should be made and information should be published and posted ethically without any fake or incorrect facts or figures.


The information provided should be complete and all the relevant points should be covered. Important features, facts or messages should not be left over and not included. The message should contain everything stating from and introduction and further details and then ending with a conclusion and a call to action button, message or link.. Complete communication is very important


Being courteous while communicating with our potential customers is very important. This means that message should be friendly, respectful and not offending anyone’s emotions or social believes. It should not be controversial or aggressive.


All the points should be connected and relevant to each other and ultimately to the main topic or the product or services that is being talked or written about.

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The summary of the whole thing is that communication is very important for digital marketing and it is a skill in itself. If you want to avail good services related to online marketing with unique communication skills verbally, on social media and through blogs with ranking them on search engines, visit Nexusevenue

Communication should be correct, complete, respectful, polite and should not offend anyone. It should be unique, valuable and relevant to the product or services you are offering either on social media or on search engines like Google.

All the digital marketing types have different ways of communicating either with the target customers, dealers or the customers who have already availed services or bought the product. It is very important to know that we can market ourselves or our business through effectively communicating with every person related to our business either directly or indirectly.

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